Wednesday 2 May 2012

How To Kick A Drop Punt.

Hey guys, Lewis here again giving you yet another entertaining edition of how to learn the basic skills of AFL Football. Today, I am going to show you how to kick a drop punt. The drop punt is the primary means of disposing of the football in AFL. It is the preferred technique as it is considered more accurate and easier to mark than all other forms of kicking the ball.

First off, start by holding the ball with your middle fingers lined along the seems of the side of the ball. Some people prefer to hold the ball higher that pictured above, and others like to hold  it more towards the bottom. Whatever way works for you is usually the way to go.

As you are taking your steps in your run up to get power behind your kick, your non-preferred hand slowly leaves the ball and is raised to give your balance. If you kick right footed, you will raise your left hand and vice versa. Lift your kicking foot back and then bringing it down swiftly will ensure a good purchase on the football for maximum distance, and make sure you follow through as high as you can.

After you have tried it a few times, you will notice that if you are leaning back as you kick it, the kick will go higher, but if you lean forward, the kick will usually be short and sharp.

Remember, like everything, practise makes perfect so just try it a few times and do whatever feels comfortable is usually the best way to do it.

Thanks again for reading guys, stay posted.



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