Sunday 6 May 2012

Basketball Fundamentals: Dribbling

Hi guys, Lewis here again with another tips 'n' tricks session on basketball, today I am going to give you an insight into the most fundamental skill of basketball, dribbling.

The act of dribbling the basketball consists of a downward thrust on the basketball so it hits the ground and then bounces back up within reach for you to repeat the same action. Without dribbling the basketball, the player is only allowed to take two steps before he gets called for a travel and the ball is turned over so it is imperative that you master the act of dribbling before you look at advancing in other areas of your game.

(image source
Things to note:
- When dribbling the ball, you cannot use both hands simultaneously, otherwise this is another penalty called 'Double-dribble', which also results in a turnover.
- Once you have stopped dribbling, you cannot start again, once you have stopped moving and the ball has stopped the act of dribbling, it must be passed or shot.
- While dribbling, you can alternate hands, i.e so bounce it with your left hand, ball hits ground, then as it comes back up you can then bounce it using the right hand, but make sure it only touches one hand between bounces!
Once you have mastered basic dribbling skills, you can then look at doing tricks and variants with the ball, like bouncing it through your legs, bouncing it around your back or even bouncing it off your knee!
Below are pictures of pro's doing some tricks!

                                                 Brandon Jennings going behind his back
               (Image source

                                                Brandon Jennings going through his legs
               (Image source

Thanks for reading again guys

Over and out,

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