Friday 4 May 2012

Boot Camp & Jack!

Hi everyone! Long time no see! It's me - Jack! Just wanted to share with you my experience with my fitness class lately. I guess the weather in Sydney right now is really good for doing some sports activities, so Jack- no excuse to be lazy! 

Just a bit update of myself, I recently have joined the Boot Camp at the Gym which is just 15 minutes walk from my house. Training starts 6-7am - Mon,Wed & Fri and on Tue, Thu, Sat, I used to do some laps swimming. 

In the first session of the boot camp, we need to do a 2km run which I think I am quite good in jogging and running around, so I think I did ok!

Afterthat, fitness test comes! First is doing push ups! I think the idea of doing push ups is to build both upper body and core strength. In the boot camp, we are required to do so many as we could within a minute. There are few things I think is quite relevant when you are doing push ups- try to keep your body in a straight line from head to toe without sagging in the middle or arching your back!

 Another point is that I always forget is to inhale when you bend your elbows and lower yourself slowly until your elbows are at 90 degree angle!!! 

Sit ups has always been my favourite! Doing sit ups could strengthen your abdominal muscles and improve your fitness in general! There are different styles of sits ups you could do- oblique (work on your sides of abs)/ Bicycle Sit ups (Focus on legs) etc.. For me, I used to ask my friend to hold onto my feet so that I have a solid platform and move faster!

Last exercise that I did in the boot camp was squats- Thanks god it was just weight-free squats!  Doing squats benefits your lower body part. Foot placement is important, especially keep your knees in line without pointing your toes out! When you lower, breathe in. When you straighten up, exhale. You could also try the lunge and deadlifts which I find they are really good butt exercises!
OK Buddies, thanks for reading! I will keep you updated with what I did in the boot camp later on which it will be very exciting I am sure!!! Bye for now!

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