Friday 4 May 2012

Basketball: How To Shoot A Jump Shot

Hi guys, Lewis here again. Today I'm going to give you insight into my other favourite sport, Basketball.

Basketball is played by two teams of 5 on the court, and the aim is to score more points than the other team by shooting the basketball into the ring. There are many different techniques that can be used when trying to score, and there is no right or wrong way of shooting. It is more of a comfort thing, whatever feels best for you is usually the best way to learn and practice.

The aim of the jump shot is to have the ball released at the highest possible point, to avoid the defender blocking the shot. The higher the release point, the higher the defender has to jump to block the shot, and a well timed jump shot is extremely hard to stop.

In the NBA, most players have their own unique and individual style of jump shot such as the following.

(Image source
Dirk Nowitzki

Nowitzki plays for the Dallas Mavericks, last years champions, and he has a very unique jump shot in the way that his upper body is usually angled backwards, giving him alot more freedom in movement when shooting.

(image source
LeBron James

James plays for the Miami heat and is the current favourite for the MVP for the regular season. James has a very high vertical leap, and standing at 6 foot 8 inches, he gets a large degree of elevation, making his shot almost unblockable.

Thanks for reading again guys, keep posted for more.


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