Wednesday 4 April 2012

Welcome note: Sam


This is our blog for ISYS100, Semester One 2012. After much deliberation we have decided that the overall theme of this blog will be that of 'Sports', however, the content itself will differ wildly between that posted by Lewis, Adrian, Wai-Him and I, ranging from match reports, to criticism, to field reporting, to advice, to the exploration of obscure/e-sports.

First off, each member of our group will write a short introduction of themselves, detailing their previous experiences with sports, and what they intend to write about within this blog.

As far as most Australian kids go, my experience with sports is probably relatively strange. I was never really one for rugby or soccer or cricket and the like, however, I did play Field Hockey from year 8 through to year 12 (though not particularly well :P). My primary experiences in regards to sports have come from Martial Arts, as I have been training in the form of Taikudo Karate, as well as entering competitive tournaments, for around 6 years now.

As such, I will be using this blog to explore less 'mainstream' sports, and will almost certainly do some reporting on the world of Martial Arts. I also plan to deliver some degree of foray into the world of sports criticism, as well as a more theoretical exploration of Australia's national pastimes.

Here is the blog plan we made in our first meeting together, demonstrating a general outline of the topics we'd be posting about

Thats it for me for now, you'll be hearing again from me, as well as the rest of the team, very soon!

Thanks for reading!

- Sammuel Dobbie-Smitham

1 comment:

  1. Sam, amazing martial arts experience, I have been learning brazilian jujitsu for 1 years at gracie sydney academy.

