Wednesday 18 April 2012

Extreme Shoulder Workout

Hey guys, how is your arm work out going? feelling like poping up now? keep on good work!
This time I will show you an extreme workout on your shoulders, muscles such as Deltoids and trapezius are not easy to grow as biceps, in order to stimulate these muscles, you gotta hit it hard!
All right, lets do some stretching and get started!

Seated dumbbell shoulder press.

Step 1.
Sit on the end of a bench, bring weights up to the sides of your shoulders-your elbows should be pointing down with your knuchles pointing toward the ceiling and keep your palms face forward.
Step 2.
Keeping your back straight, slowly press the weights over your head until your arms are extend above you, elbows unlocked.
Step 3
Slowly lower the weights back down to your shoulders and repeat.

3 sets of 13 reps, take 45 seconds break after each set.

Now take a small sip of water, we will do 3 exercises together as ONE SET.

Dumbbell front raise

Step 1
Stand straight with your feet hip width and light dumbbell in each hand. Hanging down your arms in front of your thighs.
Step 2
Keeping your arms perfectly straight, slowing raise the weights out and up in front of you untill your arms are parallel to the floor.
Step 3
Hold for a second then slowly lower the weights back down. Repeat.

Dumbbell lateral raise

Step 1
Same as Front Raise.

Step 2
Raise the dumbbell out and up to the level of your shoulders. keeo your palms facing the ground.
Step 3
Keeping your elbows bent, lower slowly back to the starting position and repeat.

Bar upright row

Step 1
Stand with your feet slightly wider than a shoulder width apart and take an overhand grip on a barbell with your hands also a shoulder width apart.

Step 2
Pull up to the level of your chin, keeping the bar close to your body and keeping your elbows highr than the ball.
Step 3
Hold for a few seconds before lowering back to starting position and repeat.

Take Front Raise, Lateral Raise and Bar Upright Row as One Set.
3 Sets and take 60 seconds break after each set, within one set, take 30 seconds break after each exericise, 10 reps for each exercise.

This technique, combing these 3 workouts together has been widely used in American high school for basketball team training.
Doing this extreme shoulder workout once a week, you are guaranteed with wide shoulders!

by Adrian Xiao JI

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