Monday 30 April 2012

How To Handball: AFL Style!

Hey Guys!

As part of my blog entries I am going to be providing you will the basic tips and tricks of how to play my favourite sports. First things first, AFL. I have grown up loving the game, and will love it till the day I die. The objective of the game is to score points by passing the ball through the team's goal. The main way to score points is by kicking the ball between the two major goal posts. The team with the higher total score at the end of the match wins unless either a draw is declared or a tie-break is used. The two ways in which you can legally dispose of the football is by hand balling or kicking the ball. Is this blog I am going to show you how to correctly handball an AFL footy.

First things first, if you are left handed, you will need to cup the ball in the ball of your right hand, and vice versa if you are right handed. After playing the game for a while many players become ambidextrous in their abilities and can handball it using both hands.

Now, using the other hand that you are not holding the ball with, clench your fist and using the bit of your skin between the knuckles of your index finger and thumb, strike the ball with a flowing motion.

After you have released the ball, catch the ball you have struck the ball with in the other hand that was holding the ball, so as if you are replacing the ball resting there with your hand. You want to strike the ball so that it spins backwards, as this gives you the best control of where it is going.

Thanks for reading, and hope this helps anyone who needs it.


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